According to the FDA, an individual should not exceed taking more than six (6) espresso shots or four (4) coffee cups in a day. However, it would still depend on your health situation and caffeine tolerance level. It is better to seek help from a professional to avoid possible causes of coffee overdose.

This article is for you if you want to know more about the prescribed espresso shots that a person should take and how many can kill you.

The information here might sound scary, but remember that most people can keep drinking a reasonable amount of coffee without any problem or even with some health benefits. So what is a healthy coffee consumption?

Skip to the best part:

Responsible caffeine consumption can be healthy.

Caffeine serves as a fuel for our body to start the day with lots of energy. It might even be considered healthy and productive for some medical conditions.

Many of our readers, myself included, use espresso as their preferred type of coffee. However, experts say that everything has limitations, including your espresso shots.

Is there such a thing as “Too Much Coffee”?

The answer is, Yes! Too much coffee exists. The Food and Drug Administration or FDA advises individuals to limit their coffee intake to four to six cups of coffee or espresso in a day. Restricting your caffeine consumption prevents possible adverse and dangerous effects on our body, such as Coffee Overdose.

Some medical problems, as some of its treatments might cause a person to be more susceptible to caffeine. For example, pregnant and breastfeeding women must know the limits of their caffeine intake.

An individual’s health condition would determine their recommended coffee consumption dose. So it would be advisable to seek and talk to your doctor or any experts that know your health situation.

Caffeine is not just how much coffee you drink:

When considering your caffeine consumption, it’s not just how much coffee you drink. Caffeine can also be found in food, drinks, and medications. It can have harmful interactions with some drugs, including recreational drugs.

Caffeine is commonly found in coffee, tea, and energy drinks. It is also found in many headache medications but can also be used to treat asthma and other respiratory conditions.

It is important to note that caffeine should not be taken with alcohol or sedatives because it can increase the chances of an overdose. It can also have dangerous interactions with certain medications or recreational drugs.

The Dangers of Drinking Too Much Espresso: What Are the Side Effects and How Can You Avoid Them?

Coffee is a great drink to keep you alert and awake throughout the day. However, consuming a lot of it more than the recommended intake may cause different side effects that an individual may feel.

What are the Effects of Drinking Too Much Espresso?

Here are the possible side effects of drinking too much espresso.

  • Agitation
  • Restlessness
  • Stomach Problems
  • Muscular Deterioration
  • Caffeine Dependency
  • Hypertension and increased blood pump
  • Heart Rate Increase
  • Weariness and Exhaustion
  • Tension and Constant Urinary incontinence


How to Prevent coffee overdose and How to Know if You’re Suffering from One

As mentioned above, one possible effect of drinking too many caffeine-powered drinks is the coffee overdose. Coffee overdose will only happen if you have taken more cups of coffee or espresso shots than the experts recommended.

With that, let’s talk about how to prevent caffeine overdose.

One way to avoid caffeine overdose is to prevent it ahead of time. Averting the possible causes of coffee overdose is very easy. It can be addressed and avoided by limiting your caffeine consumption. For some conditions, a person must not consume over 400 milligrams of coffee daily and consider reducing it if you are susceptible to coffee.

We should also know how to determine if you suffer from a coffee overdose.

Several effects might not promptly warn you of the possibility that you’ve consumed too much coffee since they appear to be mild. Here are some of the mild symptoms that you may encounter:

  • Lightheaded
  • Loose bowels or digestive problems such as diarrhea
  • Extreme thirst feeling
  • Restlessness and troubled sleeping
  • Migraine and Headache
  • Shivering
  • Short temper

However, some symptoms aren’t mild anymore and might need proper medications from your healthcare provider. These symptoms are the following:

  • Out of breath
  • Throwing up or vomiting
  • Delusions or hallucinations
  • Chest cramps and heartburn
  • Palpitation
  • Muscular motions that are uncontrolled
  • Seizures

Still, it is essential to know that every person has their own body. Thus, symptoms of caffeine overdose can differ from one person to another.

An approach to combat caffeine intoxication is to limit it beforehand. It is pretty simple to prevent the potential causes of coffee overdose; restrict your caffeine consumption. For various circumstances, a person should not take more than 400 milligrams of coffee per day and consider reducing it if they are sensitive to coffee.

What to do if you are experiencing Caffeine Overdose?

The primary thing to do if you are experiencing a coffee overdose is to seek medical assistance to treat it. The treatment procedure is intended to extract the caffeine from your system while also dealing with the discomfort caused by caffeine overdose.

If you feel significant caffeine overdose symptoms, you should seek help from your healthcare provider. They will prescribe the most effective treatment for you.

One of the treatments your physician might offer is a gastric lavage which helps to remove coffee contents from your body. I believe drinking responsibly and avoiding getting there is preferable…

Coffe is great, to a point – Concusion:

Don’t get me wrong – I adore coffee. Drinking coffee early in the morning will fuel your system up for the entire day of work and chores. It’s even considered healthy for some people or medical conditions, as long as you drink it responsibly.

However, you still need to be aware of what can be the possible effects of taking too much caffeine. The healthy amount of caffeine for every person depends on their medical conditions and medications. The FDA says that 4-6 cups of coffee a day is ok, but remember that every individual is different.

In short – keep drinking coffee, but do it responsibly.

